Electronic Sight Gauge - Insight System
This electronic sight gauge is the most accurate volume measuring device on the market.
The system includes:
Main control unit equipped with Wi-Fi technology to allow for a wireless display to any smart phone or tablet device.
iPad Mini - main display screen
Hard wired exterior load station display
Main tank sensor.
Optional components include:
Up to 2 additional tank sensors (eg. chemical inductor, fresh water tank)
Low Hydraulic oil sensor
Weather Station that provides apparent wind speed / wind direction / temperature / humidity

Take the guess work out of every tank.
System Benefits:
The system measures the volume of solution in a tank to + / - one gallon.
Works with any size or shape of tank.
Can measure any type of liquid or solution.
Provides an accurate reading no matter what angle the machine is on—no more guessing when filling on uneven ground.